Why this strategy?
Existing local scale up (10 to 30 employees) and middle market ($10 million to $100 million in revenue or 30 to 300 employees) firms represent the bulk of new job growth in a given region and the space where economic development organizations have the greatest potential for impact.
Business relocations are down 50% nationwide
Business relocations and expansions are only responsible for 14% of state job creation
Nationwide from 2009 to 2014, just 1% of all middle-market firms accounted for 72% of net job creation
Why this strategy?
Existing local scale up (10 to 30 employees) and middle market ($10 million to $100 million in revenue or 30 to 300 employees) firms represent the bulk of new job growth in a given region and the space where economic development organizations have the greatest potential for impact.
Business relocations are down 50% nationwide
Business relocations and expansions are only responsible for 14% of state job creation
Nationwide from 2009 to 2014, just 1% of all middle-market firms accounted for 72% of net job creation
How We're Driving This Work
At the onset of this plan, we realized that one of the biggest shifts we needed to make was how we were interacting with and assisting companies related to our business retention and expansion (BRE) efforts. Given the local and national decline in business attraction efforts and relocations, the focus shifted to a concentrated effort on growing companies that already call the region home. Moving forward, the economic development partners work collaboratively to ensure the companies already here, working and growing in Akron, have the resources they need to be able to grow and prosper here in our region.
Conducting outreach to companies focusing on consistent problem-solving for, and relationship management with, a limited set of target scale up, middle market, and minority and women owned firms
Conducting outreach to companies focusing on consistent problem-solving for, and relationship management with, a limited set of target scale up, middle market, and minority and women owned firms
How can this work benefit you?
Elevate Greater Akron works to create opportunities throughout our regional ecosystem that benefit individuals and businesses alike.
How can this work benefit you?
Elevate Greater Akron works to create opportunities throughout our regional ecosystem that benefit individuals and businesses alike.
Are you a company looking for assistance getting connected to resources?
BRE Visitation
Schedule a meeting with one of our business resource experts who can help you address issues and easily navigate resources available for assistance.
COVID-19 Resources
Learn about COVID-19 resources for businesses and employees.
Are you a minority owned company seeking advanced opportunities?
Learn about how this program can provide financial and technical assistance to Akron and Summit County-based minority, women, LGBTQ+, Veteran, and Disabled-owned contracting businesses.