Hustle Hard Fitness, LLC: Q&A with Jacqwelynn Wymann

What is the background story of your business? When/how was it created?
It began with a dream in 2017. I knew i wanted to help people become healthy and have fun doing it. I was about to leave the security of my job as a sheriff and pursue my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. After much prayer and countless conversations with my family, I was ready to begin my journey. It began with the name Hustle and Fit, but I wasn’t able to use that one because of trademark issues. This wasn’t going to stop me because this was my passion. Again going to prayer and family, Hustle Hard Fitness was born. Next on the agenda was to secure my name so I needed to get my LLC. It was official Hustle Hard Fitness was born.
I opened the business in September 2019. As a Sheriff Deputy. I was working 12-hour shifts but not happy or passionate about this career path. and It was time so I stepped out on faith. wanted to pursue a different path.
How has your business experienced growth?/How do you expect to see growth?
Before I found the building, I was pretty much everywhere trying to find a good space to train at. It was very hard to train at other gyms since they have their own trainers. It was pretty much like I was walking on eggshells to train my clients. My clients were just waiting for me to open on my own. Now that I have, they are able to come in and work out. I have about 10 members now and a lot of people are hearing about me on social media so that has helped my business to grow.
I called the Akron Urban League and Misty was able to help me right away. I told her I was ready for a space and she sent me a ton of buildings to look at. I found the one that spoke to my heart and thankfully, they were able to work with me on pricing. I loved how the space looked and I’m very grateful for the help.
What got you into the training?
A couple of years ago, my mom was diagnosed with Type two diabetes. The doctors told her she needed to start eating healthy. I’m just trying to help people in our community because we don’t put ourselves first and many do not realize that what we’re eating is what is causing health issues. We also don’t take care of ourselves by exercising and working out. That’s my biggest goal, is just to help others be able to be secure with themselves and get on a path to a healthy lifestyle.
How has the pandemic impacted your business?
During the pandemic I had to shift my thinking. It helped as I was able to branch out to training online via Zoom, training outside at the Metroparks, and I was bringing on more clients. Being that people were quarantined inside every day it gave them the opportunity to get out and do something that would bring them happiness and health.
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
The financial aspect was the biggest challenge. Coming into this business, I didn’t realize how costly everything would be. I didn’t realize how much of an investment the building could be and finding the right place to fit all my needs.
How has the Greater Akron region played a role in the evolution of your company/career?
Akron played a pivotal in the start-up of my business. Constantly giving me opportunities to network to grow my brand. Akron Urban League helped me look for buildings, grants, gain knowledge, work on my business plan, and create my website. I give credit to them and Misty Rogers.
How can someone find you?
Instagram: @hustlehard_05
Facebook: Bri Marie
We are running a couple of promotions. One is our 6-week hustle, with a week discount of personal training.
With my personal training sessions, you get the first 2 sessions free.
Posted: Sunday, November 1, 2020 by | with 0 comments
Filed under: #ChooseGrowth