Elevate Greater Akron believes that we only make progress on what we measure.
We track our shared priorities against the following measures of progress. Our work drives toward these collective measures whether they represent a one-time milestone or an annual metric that pushes us closer to long-term goals. Elevate Greater Akron also tracks a number of regional economic indicators to both inform decision-making and remain accountable to as a gauge of community’s strength.
Amount of capital raised for Polymer Industry Cluster projects
Number of Black workers placed in-demand occupations/industries
Amount of third-party capital raised by tech-based start-ups
Number of downtown visitors, residents, workers, and students
Number of new polymer-related jobs
Percentage of jobs with a family sustaining wage
Number of development ready sites in and accessible to low-income urban areas
Number of businesses served by Elevate Greater Akron ecosystem
Amount of community loan fund capital deployed to Black-owned businesses
Number of downtown residential units added and in the pipeline
Number of payrolled businesses including the number of new establishments and business locations

Interested in learning more about Elevate Greater Akron and/or getting involved in the work? Contact Us
Find Us
388 S Main St., Ste. 205
Akron, OH 44311

Interested in learning more about Elevate Greater Akron and/or getting involved in the work? Contact Us
Find Us
388 S Main St., Ste. 205
Akron, OH 44311