Greater Akron has a longstanding history in polymers including a strong talent pipeline, industry density, and a spirit of collaboration. Today, our region is capitalizing on this rich history as the Polymer Industry Cluster leads the globe for polymer research and development, innovation, and growth.
Pursue state and federal resources to advance innovations in the polymer industry and fuel the growth of the Polymer Industry Cluster.
Identify and support R&D projects that solve pressing challenges broadly affecting industry partners, especially where sustainability is a common theme.
Improve access to commercialization, including capital, for impactful innovations to be adopted by industry.
Strengthen and diversify the polymer industry supplier network and talent pipeline.
Attract polymer-specific companies and jobs to Greater Akron.
Reposition polymers beyond rubber and communicate a new, opportunity-focused, regional narrative that resonates with companies and residents of all types.
Inclusive economic growth means shared prosperity for all residents. In Greater Akron, Black residents and businesses have been left behind and excluded from opportunities. Our region will realize its fullest potential by prioritizing support and assistance to minority-owned businesses, better connecting Black residents to workforce and career development opportunities of their choice, and improving job quality and access.
Continue to prioritize technical assistance and capital for new, start up, and existing Black-owned businesses.
Increase workforce training for careers in in-demand industries with an intentional focus on tailoring opportunities and outreach to Black residents.
Connect minority-owned businesses to procurement opportunities and facilitate peer-based learning on procurement best practices.
Help businesses diversify new hire pipelines and foster inclusive cultures.
Advocate for improved access to high-quality jobs and equitable access to early childhood education, transportation, housing, and other social determinants of work.

Downtown Akron is where we come together. Attracting and supporting businesses, residents, students, the arts, and visitors into a dense center city drives the regional economy, bolsters civic identity and pride, and benefits all of Greater Akron.
Through the new Downtown Akron Development Corporation, identify, engage, and close deals with potential investors and developers.
Increase downtown residents and address vacant commercial space through adaptive reuse.
Concentrate and curate retail activity, enhance key corridors, and develop a convention center-adjacent hotel to drive density, increase activity, and attract businesses and visitors.
Leverage trails, recreation, arts, culture, and entertainment to strengthen an inclusive sense of place, support a high quality of life, and increase the visitor economy.
Increase geographic connectivity and engagement with University of Akron students and faculty in the utilization and celebration of downtown.

Greater Akron excels when our leaders collectively invest in the economic development fundamentals – high-quality, consistent, and multi-partner coordination with an intentional focus on the existing people, assets, and businesses in the region. Focusing on these “new fundamentals” creates an inclusive, growth-oriented community where it is easy to do business.
Continue to drive coordinated, solution-oriented business retention, expansion, and attraction for large, mid-sized, and targeted-sector companies.
Support small businesses and entrepreneurs via coordinated support services, shared strategies, and shared measures that prioritize inclusive growth and longevity.
Cultivate and grow a vibrant network of technology-based startups, investors, mentors, and industry experts.
Provide regional employers with navigation services to overcome workforce challenges.
Prioritize site readiness with special focus on commercial real estate opportunities in and accessible to low-income and urban areas.
Coordinate regional funding proposals, advocacy, and communications to advance economic development in Greater Akron.

Interested in learning more about Elevate Greater Akron and/or getting involved in the work? Contact Us
Find Us
388 S Main St., Ste. 205
Akron, OH 44311

Interested in learning more about Elevate Greater Akron and/or getting involved in the work? Contact Us
Find Us
388 S Main St., Ste. 205
Akron, OH 44311